
Weather in Malta

13.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

13.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

EU Maritime Pollution Rules Saga Finalised

14 / 12 / 04

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Malta is pleased that the new proposals submitted by the Dutch presidency have put this long issue at an end. The objectionable parts which Malta together with Greece and Cyprus have pushed to erase on the grounds that these would discriminate against EU flagged ships were not included in the amended draft.  The three EU countries have argued that if the original proposals were introduced this would have harmed their ship registers.  This hot debate has been contested for the past three months and the compromise agreement reached last week is expected to be formally adopted shortly after possibly a few more improvements.

EU Maritime Pollution Rules Saga Finalised

14 / 12 / 04

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Malta is pleased that the new proposals submitted by the Dutch presidency have put this long issue at an end. The objectionable parts which Malta together with Greece and Cyprus have pushed to erase on the grounds that these would discriminate against EU flagged ships were not included in the amended draft.  The three EU countries have argued that if the original proposals were introduced this would have harmed their ship registers.  This hot debate has been contested for the past three months and the compromise agreement reached last week is expected to be formally adopted shortly after possibly a few more improvements.